WordPress Custom Starter Theme

Generate Custom Starter Theme

Learn how to create your own custom starter theme for WordPress. Live stream 2025-03-07 at 20:00:00 Eastern for the normal Friday 8PM YouTube live stream participation or scroll down and watch it.

WordPress is an open source PHP content management system for creating, modifying and publishing website content. WooCommerce is an open source ecommerce platform for WordPress installed as a plugin. Free and paid themes and plugins are available. You can also create your own custom themes and plugins from scratch using the concepts and techniques from the WordPress tutorials found at Ojambo.com.

WordPress and WooCommerce can be extended and tweaked to your specific needs. Installing free or paid themes and plugins is easy, if you need help in create a custom theme, feature or tweaking and existing plugin then contact OjamboServices.com for professional help

Configure WordPress


The site title, tagline, administrator email address, timezone and more are available under the Settings menu. The media, permalinks and privacy settings are also found in a submenu under Settings.


WordPress tools can be used to migrate an from an old blog to a new WordPress installation. Site health can be viewed under the Tools menu to check for issues, concerns and recommended fixes.


WordPress can be extended using plugins. Free open source plugins uploaded to the WordPress repository can be searched from the Plugins menu. Plugins can also be manually uploaded, activated and removed from the Plugins menu.


WordPress comes with built-in themes, but more are available from the WordPress repository or from third-party sources similar to plugins. Themes are normally manually uploaded but activated and removed from the Themes menu.


Pages can be added, trashed or removed from the Pages menu.


Posts can be added, trashed or removed from the Posts menu.


Depending on the theme or plugin, it is possible to edit the look and feel of the front-end such as the header, favicon and more under the Appearance menu.


Depending on the theme or plugin, menus can be added from the Appearance menu based on posts or pages.

Custom WordPress tutorials, themes and plugins are available from OjamboServices.com. Full help with domains, linux servers, migration and consultation is available on request.


Articles can be created as posts with WYSIWYG editor including optional rich media such as audio, images and videos. WordPress can be customized to your specific needs using themes and plugins. Whether it is a blog, ecommerce site or literal a single page. Help for all parts of WordPress is available from OjamboServices.com.

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