Python Integrated Development and Learning Environment

IDLE Is The Default Python Editor

IDLE (Integrated Development and Learning Environment) is cross-platform for Mac OS, Windows and Linux.

It has 2 main window types, Shell and Editor.

It is written in Python and the Tinker GUI toolkit.



  • Multi-window text editor
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Autocompletion
  • Smart indent
  • Search and replace
  • Debugger


  1. File menu for both Shell and Editor.
  2. Edit menu for both Shell and Editor.
  3. Format menu for Editor only
  4. Run menu for Editor only
  5. Shell menu for Shell only
  6. Debug menu for Shell only
  7. Options menu for Shell and Editor
  8. Window menu for Shell and Editor
  9. Help menu for Shell and Editor

Context Menus:

  • Cut
  • Copy
  • Paste

IDLE Screen
IDLE Start Screen

IDLE File Menu

IDLE Right Click
IDLE Context Menu


IDLE can be installed at the same time as Python. The initial screen displays the IDLE Shell which is the same as the command line Python Shell. It is possible to open a custom python file or paste code into the editor. Normal IDE features such as search and replace, debugging and history are available.

Open Source

IDLE is licensed under the Python Software Foundation License. This allows commercial use, modification, distribution, and allows making derivatives proprietary. Since it is made with Python, it makes it easier to contribute and modify.

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Install the IDLE application by compiling from source or downloading binaries for your device.

Take this opportunity to learn Python programming language by making a one-time purchase at Learning Python. A web browser is the only thing needed to learn Python in 2024 at your leisure. All the developer tools are provided right in your web browser.


  • Learning Python Course on
  • IDLE Source Code
  • IDLE Python’s Integrated Development and Learning Environment