JavaScript String Data Type

Manipulate Strings In JavaScript

In JavaScript, assigning of a value will indicate the data type. Get the data type of any object using the built-in typeof function.

JavaScript has built-in functions for manipulating strings. Some examples are upper case and lower case of a specified value.

The string data type is a sequence of characters inside double or single quotes.

JavaScript String Functions

String Methods

Sample Methods
Name Description Example
toUpperCase() Returns upper case. str2 = str1.toUpperCase();
toLowerCase() Returns lower case. str2 = str1.toLowerCase();
trim() Removes beginning or ending whitespace. str2 = str1.trim();
replace() Replace a string with another. str2 = str1.replace(“Hello”, “Join”);
split() Split string into substrings by specified separator. str2 = str1.split(“,”);
slice() Returns the extracted part in a new string. str2 = str1.slice(“,”);
Name Description Example

JavaScript Manipulate Strings Snippet

// Learning JavaScript String Data Type Tutorial //
// Data Type
my_string = "Hello world!";
alert(my_string) // Dialog Prints Hello world!
alert(typeof(my_string)) // Dialog Prints string

// Casting Strings
let str1 = String("s5"); // Will be 's5'
let str2 = String(3) // Will be '3'
let str3 = String(9.0) // Will be '9.0'
console.log(str1, str2, str3); // Console Prints s5 3 9.0

// Strings
let str1 = "Hello World!";
let str2 = 'Hello World!';
console.log(str1, str2);

// Quotes Inside Strings
let str1 = "It's easy";
let str2 = "Call me 'Johnny'";
let str3 = 'Call me "Johnny"';
console.log(str1, str2, str3);

// Multiline Strings Usings Backticks
let str1 = `This is a backtick
multiple line string
spanning 3 rows.`;

// Multiline Strings Using Concatenatation (+) Operator And Newline Character (\n)
let str2 = 'This is a concatenated' +
'\nmultiple line string' +
'\nspanning 3 rows.';

// Multiline Strings Using Array Join
let lines = ['This is an array join', 'multiple line string', 'spanning 3 rows.']; 
let str3 = lines.join('\n');

// Slicing
let str1 = "Hello, World!";
console.log(str1.slice(2)); // Console Prints from position 3 (index 2) to the end
console.log(str1.slice(2, 5)); // Console Prints from position 3 to position 6
console.log(str1.slice(-5, -2)); // Console Prints from 6th to last character to the 3rd to last character

// Template Strings
let age = 24;
let name = "John";
let combined = `My name is ${name}, and I am ${age} years old`;

// Escape Characters
let str1 = "My name is \"Johnny\" but you can call me \"John\".";

JavaScript String Data Type Code Web IDE JavaScript String Data Type Code

JavaScript String Data Type Result Web IDE Displaying JavaScript String Data Type Result


You can use any IDE or text editor and the web browser to compile and execute JavaScript code. For this tutorial, the Learning JavaScript Course Web IDE can used to input and compile JavaScript code for the string data type.

Open Source

JavaScript follows the ECMAScript standard and is licensed under the W3C Software License by web browser vendors and runtime environment vendors. This allows commercial use, modification, distribution, and allows making derivatives proprietary.

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JavaScript makes it easy to use the string data type. Use a sequence of characters and the built-in methods to manipulate strings.

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