JavaScript Maps

A picture of location on a map to signify JavaScript Maps

Create Maps In JavaScript

In JavaScript, a Map holds key-value pairs here keys can be of any data type.

A map maintains the insertion order of keys and provides a size property.

Maps can be iterated directly and have built-in methods for managing key-value pairs. Maps unlike JavaScript Objects, do not have default keys.

Common Syntax Of Maps In JavaScript



Object values can be looped in a “for of” loop.


Define default values in none provided.


Used to define variables, functions, and constants.


Function defined within a object.


Special method within a class used to initialize and create objects of that class.

Common Methods For Maps Learning JavaScript Maps
Name Description Example
Map() Create a new Map. new Map();
set() Add elements to a Map. set(“age”, 24);
get() Get value of a key in a Map. get(“age”);
Name Description Example

JavaScript Maps Snippet

// Learning JavaScript Maps Tutorial

// Create Map Via Passing Array
let prices = new Map([
	["Milk", 10],
	["Butter", 5],
	["Bread", 2],
console.log(typeof prices);

// Create Map Elements Via Set
let costs = new Map();
costs.set("Juice", 3);
costs.set("Cereal", 4);
costs.set("Soap", 6);
console.log(typeof costs);

// Retrieve Values
console.log("Milk price: " + prices.get("Milk"));
console.log("Butter price: " + prices.get("Butter"));
console.log("Bread price: " + prices.get("Bread"));
console.log("Juice cost " + costs.get("Juice"));
console.log("Cereal cost " + costs.get("Cereal"));
console.log("Soap cost " + costs.get("Soap"));

JavaScript Maps Code Web IDE JavaScript Maps Code

JavaScript Maps Result Web IDE Displaying JavaScript Maps Result


You can use any IDE or text editor and the web browser to compile and execute JavaScript code. For this tutorial, the Learning JavaScript Course Web IDE can used to input and compile JavaScript code for the Maps.

Open Source

JavaScript follows the ECMAScript standard and is licensed under the W3C Software License by web browser vendors and runtime environment vendors. This allows commercial use, modification, distribution, and allows making derivatives proprietary.

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Get the Learning JavaScript Course for your web browser on any device. Learning JavaScript Course Learning JavaScript Interactive Online Course

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Learning Javascript Book is available as Learning JavaScript Paperback or Learning JavaScript Ebook. Learning JavaScript Book Announcement Learning JavaScript Ebook And Paperback Announcement


JavaScript makes it easy to use create Maps. Maps are iterable and used to store key-value pairs of any data type where the keys maintain their insertion order.

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One thought on “JavaScript Maps

  1. msp5 says:
    Thank you for content.

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