Generate 3D In Blender Using Python Script

Blender Is A 3D Computer Graphics Software Tool

Blender is cross-platform for Mac OS including POSIX systems, Windows and Linux.

It is easy to customize using extensions which include add-ons and themes.

It is written in C++ and Python.



  • Text editor
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Autocompletion
  • Smart indent
  • Find and replace
  • s

  • Run script


  1. File menu.
  2. Edit menu.
  3. Render menu.
  4. Help menu.


  1. Layout Workspace.
  2. Modeling Workspace.
  3. Sculpting Workspace.
  4. UV Editing Workspace.
  5. Texture Paint Workspace.
  6. Shading Workspace.
  7. Animation Workspace.
  8. Rendering Workspace.
  9. Compositing Workspace.
  10. Geometry Nodes Workspace.
  11. Scripting Workspace.

Scripting Context Menus:

  • Cut
  • Copy
  • Paste
  • Duplicate Line
  • Move Line(s) Up
  • Move Line(s) Down
  • Indent
  • Unindent
  • Toggle Comments
  • Text Auto Complete

import bpy

# Remove Default Cube
objs =
objs.remove(objs["Cube"], do_unlink=True)

# Generate/Modify Text / Curve settings
text_curve ="FONT", name="Text")
text_object ="Text",text_curve)
text_curve.extrude = 0.3
text_curve.bevel_depth = 0.015
text_curve.bevel_resolution = 20
text_curve.body = "Generate 3D In Blender Using Python Script"
text_curve.align_x = "CENTER"
text_curve.size = 1.75
text_curve.space_character = 1.0
text_object.location = [0, 0, 2]
text_object.rotation_euler = [0.7853952, 0, 0.7853952]

# Add Object To Collection

# Align Active Camera To View
text_object.select_set(True) = text_object

# Render Settings
bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = "/Tutorial/3d"
bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format = "WEBP"
bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.color_mode = "RGBA"
bpy.context.scene.render.film_transparent = True
bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x = 1920
bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y = 1080
bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_percentage = 100

# Render Image
bpy.ops.render.render(use_viewport = True, write_still=True)

# Generate Blend File

Blender Screen
Blender Start Screen

Blender Menu
Blender File Menu

Blender Right Click
Blender Context Menu


Blender can be installed at the any time before or after installing Python. The initial screen displays a default cube, camera and light source. The scripting screen displays a Python Interactive console window and an editor window. It is possible to open a custom python file or paste code into the editor. Editor features such as line numbers, word wrap, syntax highlighting, and zoom are available.

Open Source

Blender is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later. This allows commercial use, modification, distribution, and allows making private derivatives. It is made in C++ and Python, making it easier to contribute and modify.

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Install the Blender application by compiling from source or downloading binaries for your device. Use Python to create custom scripts or extensions for Blender

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