AVIF Image Format

AVIF Raster Graphics Image Format

Modern web image format supporting both lossless and lossy compression.

AVIF supports transparency and animated images. All modern major web browsers support AVIF.

AVIF Image Format Availability

AVIF Support
Name Type Year
Chrome Web browser 2020
Opera Web browser 2020
Edge Web browser 2024
Firefox Web browser 2023
Safari Web browser 2024
ImageMagick Image suite 2020
ExifTool Metadata manipulator 2019
FFmpeg Multimedia manipulator 2021
gThumb Image organizer 2021
Krita Raster graphics editor 2020
Gimp Raster graphics editor 2020
Blender 3D graphics suite 2022
Shotwell Image organizer 2023
Social Media Recommend if supported 2024


Open License

Free license allows others to reuse work as they wish.

Open File Format

Defined by openly published specification normally maintained by a standards organization and uses an open license.

Lossy Compression

Uses inexact approximations and partial data discarding that reduces file significantly before degradation is noticed.

Lossless Compression

Allows the original data to be perfectly reconstructed from the compressed data with no loss of information.

Raster Graphics

Represents a two-dimensional picture as a rectangular matrix or grid of pixels, viewable via a computer display, paper, or other display medium.


OjamboServices.com App Development
AVIF Version Of OjamboServices.com Application Development Banner

If you need help to convert to AVIF for SEO or space reasons then contact Ojambo Services. Also if you want to learn programming to “do it yourself” then try Learning PHP which is an online ebook. The only requirement is a web browser. You can use the built-in Web IDE to view your code and compile it online to view the result. You pay once for the online book and get access to the book at anytime without extra costs.

OjamboShop.com Online Learning PHP
AVIF Version Of OjamboShop.com Learning PHP Interactive Banner


Modern Image Comparison
Name Format Dimensions Size
Learning PHP Banner PNG 1280×720 pixels 315 kB
Learning PHP Banner JPEG 1280×720 pixels 201 kB
Learning PHP Banner WebP 1280×720 pixels 66 kB
Learning PHP Banner AVIF 1280×720 pixels 52 kB
AVIF Format Recommend if supported

For JPEG, WebP and AVIF, ImageMagick was used to convert the PNG file to the respective format.


Take this opportunity to learn PHP programming language by making a one-time purchase at Learning PHP. A web browser is the only thing needed to learn PHP in 2024 at your leisure. All the developer tools are provided right in your web browser.
