Cross Platform Python Desktop GUI Using Tkinter

Build GUI For Desktop Applications Using Python And Tkinter

Python is a programming language and Tkinter is a lightweight GUI framework.

Tkinter comes bundled with Python version 3 on Linux, macOS and Windows. It is the Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit.

Tkinter needs to be imported as a module to create a GUI application main window.

Tkinter will be used for a future desktop only version of Learning PHP eBook.

This tutorial will create a simple multiplatform GUI application that can be used as a starting template.

For this example, I will assume that Python 3 is installed with the default Tkinter module. You do not need to know Python programming, as it is easy to grasp the basic tasks and follow along.

GUI Window

# Import Tkinter Module
import tkinter
# Create Instance Of Tkinter's Tk Class
window = tkinter.Tk()
# Run Tkinter Event Loop

Build And Run



You will see a window open that resembles other desktop applications.

Other GUI Widgets

Tkinter (Ttk) Widgets
Name Description Usage
Button Displays buttons b = Button ( master, option=value, … )
Checkbutton Displays options and multiple select cb = Checkbutton ( master, option, … )
Entry Displays one line text field e = Entry( master, option, … )
Frame Organize other widgets f = Frame (master, option, … )
Label One line caption l = Label ( master, option, … )
LabelFrame Spatial container with label similar to HTML fieldset and legend lf = LabelFrame( master, option, … )
Menubutton Displays menus mb = Menubutton ( master, option, … )
PanedWindow Container arranged vertically or horizontally pw = PanedWindow( master, option, … )
Radiobutton Display options as radio buttons rb = Radiobutton ( master, option, … )
Scale Provides slider s = Scale ( master, option, … )
Scrollbar Adds scrolling capability sb = Scrollbar ( master, option, … )
Spinbox Built-in Up and Down buttons sp = Spinbox( master, option, … )
Combobox Combined Listbox and Entry field co = Combobox( master, option, … )
Notebook Manages a collection of windows and displays one at a time nb = Notebook( master, option, … )
Progressbar Displays status of long-running operation pb = Progressbar( master, option, … )
Separator Partition widgets sp = Separator( master, option, … )
Sizegrip Allows user to resize toplevel window sg = Sizegrip( master, option, … )
Treeview Displays a hierarchical collection of items tv = Treeview( master, option, … )
master Represents parent window
options can be comma-separated key-value pairs

# Import Tkinter Module
import tkinter
# Create Instance Of Tkinter's Tk Class
window = tkinter.Tk()

# Create Button
b = tkinter.Button ( window, text="Click Me" )

# Create Label
l = tkinter.Label( window, text="Name" )

# Create Entry
e = tkinter.Entry( window, Width=20 )

# Run Tkinter Event Loop

You will see a window open that resembles other desktop applications.


Cross Platform Python Tkinter GUI Window
Cross Platform Python Tkinter GUI Window

Cross Platform Python Tkinter GUI Window Widgets
Cross Platform Python Tkinter GUI Window Widgets


In summary, Python Tkinter can be used to create cross platform GUI applications. Python with Tkinter can be used for the GUI portion and the rest of the application can use another platform or programming language.
